Tuesday, November 9, 2010

1st Monday night group game

Our first team game. It was King, Vlatko, Pete as white against Matthias, Jason, Ankit as black. My first impression tons of weak moves at least from the black side.

As black we clearly ignored white's control of black squares. Our queen on a5 is misplaced and belongs on c7 ( a black square!).  With the queen on a5 we had to play Nb6 to a4 compromising the king side but having good play on the queen side.  The d7 knight was out of play for most of the game.  As soon as I have my computer up and running I will add a more thorough analysis.

Just like black the white players over played their position allowing Bd3. Even worse you guys allowed us to reconnect advanced pawns on b3 and a4. Which proved decisive.

My impression was we all enjoyed this little experiment except it was too slow, deliberation took too long. Any thoughts on how to speed it up? Leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting how some moves were thought out for a long time yet they proved to be a blunder. In search such algorithm is called dept first, and it is usually wrong. Turns out it is wrong in chess too. Far better results are achieved by claculating only a move ahead but considering all candidate moves. Not intuitive but leads to better chess. White team got caught in overcalculating, then miscalculating a few lines instead of playing simple moves that would have been better.

    Next time instead of trying to be smart, we should relax.
